Just last week, Cameron and Clegg announced changes to the UK planning laws which is designed to provide a kick start to the construction industry.
If successful, it will provide significant forward growth to the UK economy.
So what does this mean?
In basic terms, the relaxation of planning rules means that homeowners can now extend their properties by up to 8 metres without full planning permission.
Business owners will be able to expand shops and indusrial units by 100metres and 200 metres respectively.
What does this mean for the electrical industry?
Well quite a bit as all these extensions will need electrical work carrying out! so more opportunity for work in all areas of the UK.
It doesnt end there.......
The government is also under pressure to address the housing crisis in the UK. New planed unveiled last week means that all new building developments must include affordable housing.
The government is investing heavily into affordable housing and is making it cheaper for housing developers to start building - and to get the construction industry moving again.
This is set to create 140,000 jobs and the building of an extra 70,000 houses.
The electrical industry looks set to benefit from:
* More jobs particularly for young people who are not currently in employment
* Training opportunities for trainee electricians
* Lower costs for developers, and debt guarantees of up to £40 billion from the government
* Increased confidence
There is also talk of bringing empty housing back into use thanks to £300 million treasury funding.Is this enough to kick start UK construction?
What would your suggestions be?
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