Regular maintenance of your fire alarm system will ensure that all the components are in full working order, and that you remain legally compliant with regards to government fire safety legislation.
Due to advances in technology, fire alarm systems are now more specialised and complex in design, requiring the maintenance to be carried out by a reputable fire alarms company. There are several key points which occupiers of a premises and business owners should be aware of when looking to install and maintain their fire alarm system.
A good starting point is to nominate one individual, often referred to as ‘the responsible person’ to be in charge and oversee all activities relating to the fire alarm system and any procedure such as fire risk assessments and evacuations. Any procedures must be clear and documented so that all members of staff or occupants of the premises are fully educated should a fire break out. It is also necessary to keep a log and record any activities or incidents in relation to the fire alarm system. This will also help the company track and report any issues to the local fire service should the worst case scenario arise. The responsible person should also be responsible for arranging the fire alarm maintenance with a reputable company and should act as an on-going point of contact.
Before you choose which fire alarms company you would like to look after the maintenance of your fire alarm system, it is often wise to evaluate your current system and assess whether it suits your current needs. If any renovations or layout changes have been made to your building you may need to upgrade or make additions to you existing fire alarm system and maintenance contract. If you are a new business owner and looking to install of completely new systems, the points below should hopefully provide some guidance.
Choosing your maintenance company...
There are many fire alarm companies in your region that will be able to assist you with fire alarm maintenance and the role of these companies and their expertise should never be over looked. The money spent on your fire alarm system and ultimate the safety of your employees is a very valid investment.
You should only ever choose a reputable fire alarms company to carry our work on your system. UKAS accredited companies with BAFE trained engineers are good signs that the company know their fire safety inside out. Reputable companies will also have particular knowledge regarding the specification and components of your fire alarm system.
The successful operation of any fire alarm system depends on a working knowledge of the system and what is required to successfully maintain it. Take the time to source the information which explains the workings and layout of your system to give yourself the best possible chance of identifying a fault. Another great tip is to keep a maintenance schedule to track any faults and ensure optimum functionality.
A close working relationship with your fire alarm company is necessary in order to share important information. It is important to establish procedures for dealing with faults and knowing when to call in the experts. Keeping your maintenance log book up to date will help you track when any work has been carried out in line with your maintenance contract. It is also essential that you ask your fire alarms company to show you how certain elements of the system function, in particular the control panel so that yourself and the responsible person know how to operate it.
Finally, be proactive with when it comes to your fire alarm system and strive to contact a reputable fire alarms company.