As professional electricians we all eventually decide on which area of work we most prefer. Some of us prefer working in peoples homes as a domestic electrician, others prefer the atmosphere of working as a commercial electrician. Which ever sector we wish to work in as a professional electrician, we all follow the same guidelines, BS7671!
Recently Trade Skills 4 U have wrote an article on this exact subject explaining the difference between commercial and domestic electricians from a training and lifestyle point of view.
Domestic vs Commercial? Which Way should I go?
Training to become a domestic electrician is currently the most popular option. If you prefer face to face interaction with your customers with quicker and low cost training options then becoming a domestic installer may well be a good option for you.
If indeed you prefer to work in a team in a more structured environment then commercial might be the better option. Which ever you decide, or do, being an electrician is an exciting and very rewarding career choice.
This article is a great starting point for people who are interested in training to become an electrician but not sure of the difference between a domestic or commercial electrician.
To read the article from Trade Skills 4 U and to find out what trainee electricians are currently preferring as a career choice visit the page here: