Shocking facts about DVD recorders and players
Electrical equipment supplied by mains voltage is divided into two groups; Class I [supplied with a three core cable providing an earth connection between the electrical supply and the item of equipment. The other group, Class II [Class 2] is supplied with a two core cable, not containing an earth cable.
Within the electrical safety standards [EN 60990] it is permissible to have a leakage current of 0.5 milliamps [mA]. This may not mean much to you right now. However 3.5mA is sufficient to reduce the ability to release grip on an item held.
Once there are seven items of Class 2 equipment coupled together it is quite possible to reach the 3.5mA level, even though all electrical items comply with EN 60990.
There is a simple solution to make all Class II equipment safe; connect the outer screen of the areal cable to the Main Earth Terminal of the electrical installation. This will equalise the shock potential between Class 1 and Class 2 equipment.
NAPIT have produces an excellent PDF giving further details. You are welcome to e-mail me at; if you want a copy of the PDF, I will send you a copy.
If in doubt, please seek the assistance of a competent Electrician.
Please let your friends and relatives know about this potential shock hazard. It may just save someone’s life...