Many electricians and contractors have similar questions and queries about our Round Pattern Time Switch range. Here our Chief Engineer, Jim Dewar, answers your questions:Q – What is a Solar Dial switch? Does it operate under solar power?A – The switch does sense light but it is not related to solar power. It needs a normal mains voltage supply. The product automatically switches lighting, tracking SUNSET and SUNRISE times to minimise unwanted burn time (energy). This type of product is also known as an astrological time switch. Fixed time settings can also be catered for in the solar time switch range.
Q - What is the difference between 3 & 4-pin round pattern time switches?A – 3-pin switches have common clock and switch connections. This means that the same 230Vac live supply used to the run the clock is also used as the live input for the switching circuit.
4-pin switches have independent clock and switch connections which enable a different AC switching circuit voltage to be controlled from that of the 230V required to run the clock, for example to switch a 110Vac machine. You can also isolate the switching circuit independent of the supply to the clock.
Q - I have a 4-pin round pattern time switch and I need to know how to wire the switch up using only one 230Vac live supply for the time switch and the load?A – Add external link between terminals 1 & 3. NB: All neutrals to terminal 4.
Q – My round pattern time switch stops working when the off lever is actuated by the dial?A - This is possible on 3-pin products where the live wires are reversed - live input & live output are connected to terminals 3 & 1 respectively rather than terminals 1 & 3.
Q - I have a Q550 series round pattern time switch and it seems to be losing track of time.A - It may be the battery that is causing the problem. The output frequency within the circuit is dependent on the battery voltage and when the battery begins to age it no longer charges to its maximum voltage and, therefore, the frequency drifts causing the switch to lose track of the correct time. A replacement battery (requiring soldering into the circuit) is available online click here
Q – Can the standard round pattern time switch range omit operation on certain days of the week?A – Yes, using the day omission device. This is a black disc with slotted white inserts for each day and is located behind the dial. Using a screwdriver turn the required insert so its arrow points outward to omit a day. Note that the bottom ON operating arm on a dial indexes the day omission device. So when resetting the dial to point at the correct time after adjusting the day omission device, it is important to note if the operating arm has not yet operated. If the operating arm has not been operated, the day omission device must be set to the preceding day.
Q – On my round pattern time switch, the on and off operating arms move about. How do I set them into fixed position?
A – You have a solar dial for tracking sunset and sunrise automatically for lighting applications only. The on and off operating arms of a solar dial switch are designed to float about. If your application is not lighting then this is not the correct product for your application and an alternative standard time switch should be used.
Q – When I go to install my round pattern time switch, do I loosen the 2 screws at the back of the base?
A - No. These screws are for production assembly purposes only, and retain the base assembly components in place. To separate the mechanism from its base, remove clear cover, unscrew the extended terminal cover and then grasp behind the dial or use pull handle depending on the model type to release the mechanism. The mechanism is only of a push-in/pull-out type. The base assembly can then be installed appropriately.
Q - How do I adjust my round pattern solar time switch for the correct longitude?
A - Both sunset ON and sunrise OFF operating arms have a slot enabling the operating pin to be adjusted by +/- 45 minutes from the nominal centre position.
Each degree of longitude east or west translates to approx 4 minutes of inaccuracy.
For each degree East, take 4 minutes off the switching times, ie move pin clockwise on the slot.
For each degree West, add 4 minutes to the switching time, ie move pin anticlockwise on the slot.
Loosen screw slightly, move and re-tighten noting each slot is marked with 15 minute divisions.
Q – How do I adjust my round pattern solar time switch to operate as 1on/off rather than 2on/2off?
A – Unscrew and remove the fixed OFF operating pin located on the midnight bridge between 20:30 and 01:00. The switch will then operate from Sunset right through to Sunrise.