A quick update to how I'm getting on. I recently completed the study for module 06 and the assignment. I have also completed the second scenario on the virtual reality software and have again been reading back over previous modules to try and keep things fresh in my mind. I have been having issues over the past few months with noisy neighbours, and after 3 months of near constant arguments and loud music coming through my walls, I decided it was time to act. The past few days have been a lot more peaceful as a consequence, so I am hoping it stays that way which will make concentrating on my study a lot easier!
As yet, I am no further along with the practice boards, but hoping to soon move forward on this. I am eager to get some practice in wiring Ring and Radial circuits and especially looking forward to get the practice wiring intermediate switches, and a Consumer unit. All of course on the boards!
I recently managed to diagnose 2 washing machine faults, though the opportunity to fix them eluded me as both machines were old and the cost of parts would not have been worth paying out. It's a shame really, as I would have liked to have had the chance to fix them. Not that fixing white goods is something I'd really think of going into, but just something to build up my confidence and practical skills on.
I have decided to prepare a CV and someone has kindly offered to help me with this, and soon hope to send a copy to a few people in the industry, with a view to them giving me a critique on it. A few people have said they will be happy to do this. Just to give me an idea of areas that may need improving. The feedback will be useful for when the time comes to start applying to prospective employers. My basic aim is to see if they would be willing to invite the subject to an interview, based on what is in front of them in the CV.
I have recently also contributed to two blog articles regarding the NICEIC campaign to try and get more females into the industry. I won't go into it here as I've already more than given my views, but anyone interested in reading the posts can find them here:
An interview with t4ts;http://train4tradeskills.wordpress.com/2011/01/21/female-sparky-amanda-o...
A joint blog effort with Gary at my local electrician, on-line magazine;http://www.mylocalelectrician.co.uk/blogs/gazza/2011/jan/female-electric...
I am now studying module 07, and hope to dedicate a little more time to finding my way around the BS7671:2008 also. As daunting as the book is I think it's important to really start getting a good grounding in navigating through it. Especially since I recently read that in exam conditions Bookmarking it isn't an option, So time spent fumbling through it trying to find relevant areas could well hinder the time spent reading and answering questions! I therefore plan to turn the scary looking BRB into my best freind as soon as possible. Then no doubt the shiny new green edition will be out in the near future and it will be hopefully a little easier to tame.
Since starting my study towards becoming an electrician, I have had the fortune to meet a lot of people in the industry who are more than willing to offer help and support, through mediums such as the Electricians forums and Twitter. Both of which have also provided the chance to meet other people studying with train 4 trade skills. It's also great to see more and more students are blogging their experiences, thus making it possible for people thinking about taking up a course to get some feedback, as well as us being able to help each other along with a good bit of moral support. The help of people through these mediums is of such great value and I hope in some part to contribute to that where I can. It's really a good point of the social networking sites. A lot of these people giving their help are out there working all day on-site, coming home to a mountain of paperwork, and still doing all they can to contribute to those of us coming up into the industry. So to you guys, who are literally too many to mention! A GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!!! Your help is invaluable and deserving of much more acknowledgement than I can give it in my blog. Wherever anything is confusing, there is no end of people out there happy to shine a light, and help in what way they can. Their time is given freely, and they wish nothing in return only to see the industry grow and improve. Something I hope we can all be a part of and contribute towards.