Some home electrical repairs require a licensed electrician, but the repair or replacement of many electrical components can be done by yourself. Make safety your first priority.
All electrical devices and electrical wires are designed to provide the greatest measure of electrical safety.
To work safely with electricity, be aware of the following hazards and precautions:
-Never do anything that would break the conductor's insulation.
-Turn the power off before replacing a receptacle or a switch or doing any other work on a circuit.
-When you work on an electrical circuit, make all wire joints and connections inside an approved electrical box.
-Everyone in the family should know where and how to throw the master switch that cuts off all electrical current.
-If there's a chance of contact between water and electricity, do not wade in water until the master switch has been shut off.
-Use only insulated pliers when working with electricity.
-Stand on a dry board or wooden platform when working with a fuse box or circuit breaker box.